My mummy loves kale and she always try to encourage us to eat them too. She said kale is a type of superfood which means it is very good for you because it is packed with lots of nutrients. She tried different recipes and style of cooking but the only ones we like are kale cake and crispy kale chips. Sometimes I like it in smoothies too if it is mixed with berries and mangoes.
After eating some kale chips today, mummy asked me if I wanted to research some of the health benefits of kale and this is what I learnt:
Good for our immune system
Great for heart health
Great for eye sight
Rich in calcium
Improves sleep
High Iron
Lowers cholesterol
Good if your mummy is having another baby
Have you ever tried kale crisps? You can check our recipe here, it is very easy to make and I can eat a lot of it.